Top Audiobooks for Success in the New Year!
When the ball has dropped, the champagne is gone, and it?s time for those New Year?s resolutions to be written, nothing will help you more than a little inspirational listening. Whether you?re thinking improvement, update, or radical transformation, Blackstone has the audiobooks that will help you make that list of resolutions a list of accomplishments in 2013. Take a look at our Made for Success titles featuring acclaimed self-help gurus and industry experts.
A New Year and a New You!
Nothing conjures up the same mixture of dread and possibility than the term ?New Year?s resolutions.? This year, your secret weapon is Kevin L. McCrudden, founder of National Motivation & Inspiration Day on January 2. This latest book in McCruddens? impressive arsenal outlines strategies to make this your breakout year using his core tactics of goal setting, planning, and positive self-motivation.
My Message Is C.L.E.A.R.
Start your year off with a little inspiration in the form of Gabe Murfitt. He shares his powerful story of overcoming physical adversity with grace and perseverance. Following his C.L.E.A.R. formula, Gabe transfers his experiences into lessons on courage, leadership, endurance, attitude, and respect. Both a moving memoir and a tutorial to achieve a life of purpose and positivity, his story is sure to kick-start your own transformation this New Year.
Born to Win
The world lost a powerful motivator when Zig Ziglar passed away in 2012, but his life-changing tools live on and continue to inspire. In this audiobook collection, Zig and Tom Ziglar present a ?whole-person? plan to balanced living and personal growth in an easy to follow format. Their strategy suggests that winning is the result of hope, planning, and action, leaving no room for regret or worry?an optimistic approach to the New Year.
Mastering Influence & Persuasion
Turn yourself into a powerful force of persuasion! You don?t have to be a salesperson to benefit from these essential tips and tools from sales pros. Bestselling author Chris Widener has combined lessons from top salespeople into a guide to boost your presence and help you shape opinion. The program is conveniently organized into thirty-minute segments that can slip perfectly into your busy schedule.
The Magic of Positive Parenting
A happy family is one of the keys to a successful year. Cut through the overwhelming amount of parenting advice, straight to strategies and techniques from such leading experts as Dr. Larry Iverson, Jennifer Sedlock, and Brian Tracy. The quick, thirty-minute segments in this modern guide to positive parenting cover topics like attitude, communication, involvement, and structure?helping to ensure your home is a happier one in 2013.
Spanish in Minutes, German in Minutes, French in Minutes
If ?learn a language? has been stubbornly stuck on your resolution list for the last ten years, join award-winning verbal coach Liv Montgomery for a playful, interactive approach to mastering the Spanish, German, or French language. Different from other monotony-filled programs, Made for Success combines Mind Music, vocabulary lessons, and humor. The courses target multiple senses for increased retention and speed-learning while keeping the lessons enjoyable and relevant to everyday conversation. Consider it your foreign language secret weapon!
What Is Success?
If you?ve ever wished someone would tell you the secret to success, this is the title for you. A troupe of New York Times bestselling authors, including Jack Canfield, Les Brown, and Zig Ziglar, share their insights on motivation, focus, and achievement. Learn about vision statements, hypnosis, and the theories behind making success a reality?and how to apply them to your own life.
Coloring outside the Lines
If you do the same thing every time, you?ll get the same results. Follow Jeff Tobe?s lead as he encourages creativity, ingenuity, and out-of-the-box thinking in business?and in life?to set yourself, your product, or your ideas apart from the crowd. Combining street-smart sales tactics with inspirational stories, Tobe will have you ready to take on a completely new approach to the New Year in no time.
Personality Challenges
Conflict and interpersonal road blocks can derail even the best of intentions. Learn valuable techniques for dealing with difficult people and situations from experts Dr. Larry Iverson and Dawn Jones. Strong interpersonal and conflict resolution skills can fast-track you to leadership and make your everyday dealings smooth and productive. Learn the secrets and watch your relationships and business dealings improve dramatically this year.
Be in Command
Successful professionals, leaders, and icons all have something in common?a commanding presence. Apply the tactics used by those in authority to develop your own presence and see the difference it can make in all areas of your life. Dr. Larry Iverson gives you a step-by-step program to build your confidence and credibility in practical and impactful ways.
The Juggling Act
Balancing the demands of work and home can seem like an insurmountable task as the year gains momentum. Benefit from Jeff Davidson?s tangible strategies for goal-setting, planning, streamlining, and prioritizing to help make your life enjoyable instead of stressful. Invigorating and empowering, Davidson?s logical approach makes a work and home-life balance both attainable and sustainable.
Find these Made for Success titles and more audiobooks at and audiobook downloads at
Have a happy and successful New Year!
About the Contributor:A long-time book addict with a background in event planning and customer relations, Lauren Fair is a recent addition to Blackstone Audio?s Sales Department. After receiving a BA in organizational communication from Pepperdine University in California with a year in Italy, Lauren moved back to her Rogue Valley hometown with her husband.
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